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Jumaat, 19 Ogos 2011

panduan apabila buat komplen bila makan kat luar


kita biasa makan kat luar kan....? kadang.kadang kita alami satu situasi yang kurang menyenangkan.... sampailah aku  jumpa artikel dari satu blog seorang waiter dari kota metropolitan di US...

dah lama follow blog dia....anyway, aku suka share tips-tips dia ni...sebabnya, aku pernah jadi seorang waiter dulu....

korang boleh baca full artikel kat sini http://waiterrant.net/?p=2552

Here’s a list of things you shouldnot do. (And yes, all these things have actually happened to me.)
1. Don’t say things like, “How hard is it to take an order? Are you stupid? No wonder you’re just a waiter.”
2. Don’t call the server an asshole, insult their maternal lineage or say, “I’ll get you fired.”
3. Don’t demand that all the other guests’ food be sent back to the kitchen until their friend’s error has been fixed. Almost no kitchen will do it. The chefs aren’t going to whip up a new batch of entrées for everybody. They’ll stick the food in the oven to keep warm which dries it out. Now nobody’s happy.
4. Don’t storm out. That could be construed as theft of service.
5. Screaming at the top of your lungs is impolite. And it may give you a stroke.
6. Do not go into the kitchen and start yelling at the men with knives. If you need me to explain why, then I can’t help you.
7. Don’t demand that everybody at the table should eat for free. Ain’t gonna happen.
8. Don’t burst into tears and say things like, “You’ve ruined my entire weekend.” You’re just announcing to the dining room that you’re off your meds.
9. Don’t eat half your food before you register your complaint.
10. Don’t throw the food at the waiter. That’s assault.
Here’s what you should do and what you should expect.
1. Call the waiter over the moment you realize something’s wrong.
2. Politely but firmly explain why you’re dissatisfied. (Wrong food, undercooked, over cooked, tastes weird.)
3. Say you want your food replaced.
4. You can ask for the same item or a different one. If you wanted something that takes a long time to cook like a well-done steak or risotto, I’d suggest getting something that takes less time to cook so you’re not waiting forever. If you do want the aforementioned items, realize that it will take time.
5. While you’re waiting for your food the restaurant should send out an appetizer gratis to tide you over. It sucks being the only person at a table not eating.
6. Don’t personalize the issue. It was a mistake.
7. The waiter should keep you informed about how long it will take to fix the situation. If the waiter hides from you, which happens with inexperienced, coked out or socially maladjusted wait staff, get the manager.
8. A free drink should be forthcoming. When I was a waiter I learned that altering a diner’s consciousness usually tamped down any bad feelings.
9. The waiter should apologize – no matter if the error was his or the kitchen’s fault.
10. The entrée that got screwed up should be free. If not, at least your dessert should be on the house. Lots of restaurants will say giving out free stuff is against their policy. Why? Usually because there’s a corporate dictum, manager or owner that’s penny-wise but pound-foolish. If a restaurant refuses to make good, vote with your feet.
Sometimes, however, the screw up is the customer’s fault. I can’t tell you how many times a person on a diet let their id unconsciously order Fettuccini Alfredo when they thought they were ordering a salad. Despite the fact I always repeated the order to a customer, most diners would scream to high heaven that I fucked up. Bottom line? Pay attention when you’re ordering. Don’t be talking on your cell phone, texting, French kissing, jabbering about business or giving hand jobs under the table . Focus. And if you messed up, admit it. Very often the restaurant will try and make things right.

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