Iklan Berbayar

Selasa, 5 Oktober 2010

memilih jantina anak

Dalam hidup berumahtangga, selalu kita mengimpikan cahaya mata. tetapi apa kata kita boleh "memilih" anak mana yang bakal lahir. nak lelaki ke perempuan...

Kat sini aku cuma kongsikan jer.... betul atau tidak... sesungguhnya semua itu rezeki dari Yang Maha Esa....


How to Choose the Gender/ Sex of Your Baby

 Many people are interested in choosing the gender of their future baby. For some people, it is because they have always dreamed specifically of having a little boy or a little girl. For other people, it is because they already have multiple kids of one gender and would like to add a child of the opposite gender to the family. In either case, there is a strong interest in gender selection.


Baca seterusnya : http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Choose-the-Gender-of-Your-Baby


Dah Baca...?

terpulang pada diri individu tu sendiri... nak percaya atau tidak... walau apapun, kita hanya berusaha dan hasilnya dah ditentukan olehNya....

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