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Sabtu, 15 September 2012

Public Mutual: Among My Four Favourite Fund

Here are four of my favorite Public Mutul fund.Some say, money making fund. this graft shown how the performance of fund since opening

12/8/2008 to 12/9/2012
28/06/2005 To 11/09/2012
14/02/2006 To 11/09/2012

28/05/2003 To 11/09/2012
All this among my favorite, good performance fund and easy to manage (my opinion) with good return either unit distribution or unit price gain.

Leave them with your legacy

drop me a comment below or simply email me at misbah.thahir@gmail.com for free consultation.

p/s: start sooner and reach your financial goal sooner. once you understand, you will never stop investing breeding your money and make it growing...

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